Saturday, August 11, 2012

Rumba Island Bar & Grill...part 2

This time it was Girl's Night of 8 for dinner and off to a movie. Everyone was pleased with the table, but frustrated by the lack of parking. Rumba does offer valet parking, but in our no one carries cash society there was a lot of stressing and trading of small bills at our table to be able to tip the valet after dinner. Our waitress Devyn L (are there 2 Devyn's??) was friendly, but slow to take our order, though she did keep 8 people's drinks filled like a champ. With the panda child whining "I'm hungry, mommy" while the ladies chatted over 2-4-1 sangria and margaritas, I waved Devyn over and ordered 3 of the Mama Maria Mini muffins baskets . They were warm, moist and flavorful with a hint of cheddar and scotch bonnet pepper, a quiet hunger-sushing bargain at 3 dozen for around $5.00 that we shared with the whole table. Bonus: Panda got to take the leftovers home for Saturday morning breakfast. Devyn did offer helpful suggestions and the selections across our group varied from the Crispy Coconut Prawn (HUGE) appetizer, $7.99 and the Sweet Potato Green Tomato Tower, $2.99 to their special cut Pit Sirloin, $13.49 to Quesadillas, around $8 with your choice of meat or seafood and several of the island rice bowls, around $12 again with your choice of protein. Once the food arrived, there were plenty of "soooo good" and "here, taste this sauce" back and forth across the table. Panda had the Maytag Blue Burger, $8.49 a testimony to her current love affair with blue cheese. It was well cooked to her liking and so big she thought she couldn't finish it. My Rumba salad with blackened shrimp $9.99 was fresh, crisp and had a fair amount of smoky bacon, corn and ripe tomatoes, but not much of their yummy poppy seed dressing. However after dinner I walked away thinking, wasn't there supposed to be avocado on that salad? Yes, they forgot it...waaah. We both ordered a side of the Crab Mac & Cheese, $2.49 and worth every penny for a toasty warm cup of comfort with a crisp topping and luscious stretchy cheese inside. Everyone was pleased with Rumba. There were some things done very well, some things done a little less well. Everything was good, just not great. The atmosphere at Rumba is island casual, so go for a relaxed evening, without expectations and you will enjoy it...just might want to remember to bring some cash for the valet. Total bill for 2 soft drinks, appetizer, and 2 entrees including tax: $30.85

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