Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Oh yay, another Food and Restaurant Blog...

Who are we, some kind of experts? Some kind of artsy-fartsy foodies who think they know everything? Not really. We both like to cook...he the user of recipes and she the mad scientist who thinks recipes are more like "guidelines". He from Northern Minnesota where the flavors are pure and simple, the casseroles are Hot Dishes and the meat and potatoes are plentiful; and she the Florida girl with the Italian mother and the Southern father who showed her the world through food and National Geographic. Both our mothers are excellent cooks who are often consulted for advice, guidance and recipes. His palate is a little more adventurous in the spicy arena; while hers is more adventurous in the "Hmm, I wonder what that would be like..." (not really an arena, but a free-for-all). Part of the time we drag a kid along, a 13 year old of the Panda variety. She wrinkles her nose up at anything green or mushroom-like. Her palate is all over the place. If you can get her to try something, she might like it, she might not. It is too difficult to keep track of at this point. Even more than cooking, we like to eat out. We used to go to the same restaurants all the time...even our favorites get boring. So, he says to her, "Why don't you whip out your little restaurant thingy and find us a place." The "little restaurant thingy" is the Urban Spoon app for iPhone. It is pretty good. It has led us to some gems: Nauti-Nancy's, Juan's Mexican Grill, and is especially good when we road-trip. Give it a try and find someplace new. So, from time-to-time we will fill you in on stuff we find like good deals, cool gadgets, etc., and places we go to dine, to eat or just to "fill the hole".

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